We Need More Focus on Aromanticism

Images of the rainbow, lesbian, bisexual, genderfluid, aromantic, asexual, nonbinary, trans, agender, intersex, demiromantic, and demisexual pride flags against a salmon-colored background

This month’s Carnival of Aros has the theme “Being aromantic in an allonormative world,” which got me thinking about some facts I discovered about aromantic representation compared to asexual representation when I was doing my […]

Why Do Autistic People Die Earlier?

A white metallic background with a cell phone sitting in the lower left corner, and a stethoscope with blue tubing occupying the rest of the space

Well, I didn’t intend to start with such a heavy topic when I haven’t really established a history of writing about autism yet, but I’ve wanted to write this ever since I wrote a research […]

How I Figured Out I’m Asexual + A Christian Ace Experience

Open Bible resting on a wood surface with a highlighter sitting on it next to a highlighted line of text, and more writing instruments scattered on the table behind it.

I’ve been so focused on my university graduation in two weeks / life transition stuff that I failed to connect the passage of time to “Oh, I should write a post by today,” so since […]

Thoughts on the Word “Normal”

The words "what even is normal?" in white text on a dark-ish background of leaves and tree needles

This has come up frequently in the comments but I had yet to make a proper post about it for some reason, so I’m remedying that now: I have problems with the word “normal” in […]

Carnival of Aces February Round-Up

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Aannddd we’re back with the Carnival of Aces, this time with the round-up of submissions!  (You can view the original call for submissions HERE). Thanks to everyone who submitted this month!(Also my apologies to everyone […]

(CoA Guest Submission, by Rachel) Laotong as QPRs: An Aro Ace Analysis of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

This is a Carnival of Aces submission by the same author as the previous post/submission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was around 15 or so, a sophomore in high school, when I read Snow Flower and the Secret […]

(CoA Guest Submission, by Rachel) Spy x Family: A Sweet Asexual Marriage

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

This is a Carnival of Aces submission I was asked to post for someone, in case the title didn’t make clear who the author is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So Spy x Family came out in 2022 and […]

CoA Guest Submission: We Need Aro and Ace Kids’ Books

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Hey all! This is a Carnival of Aces submission I was asked to post for someone who doesn’t have their own blog and wanted to remain anonymous. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a children’s librarian. I am […]

Call for Submissions: February Carnival of Aces

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Hi all! This month, I’m the host for February’s Carnival of Aces.  From the Asexual Agenda: “A Carnival of Aces is a monthly blogging carnival centered on the asexual spectrum (asexuals, gray-As, demisexuals, etc.).  Anyone […]

Why Everyone Can Benefit From the Aspec Perspective

Very blurry photo of a landscape and the sky, with a white person's hand holding up a lens that brings the landscape into focus in mirror image.

A lot of people see being asexual and/or aromantic as sad, or something to be pitied or fixed.  In reality though, the kinds of things we question and discuss regarding social expectations actually benefit everyone, […]