How I Figured Out I’m Asexual + A Christian Ace Experience

Open Bible resting on a wood surface with a highlighter sitting on it next to a highlighted line of text, and more writing instruments scattered on the table behind it.

I’ve been so focused on my university graduation in two weeks / life transition stuff that I failed to connect the passage of time to “Oh, I should write a post by today,” so since […]

Why Everyone Can Benefit From the Aspec Perspective

Very blurry photo of a landscape and the sky, with a white person's hand holding up a lens that brings the landscape into focus in mirror image.

A lot of people see being asexual and/or aromantic as sad, or something to be pitied or fixed.  In reality though, the kinds of things we question and discuss regarding social expectations actually benefit everyone, […]

The SAM and Mia’s Many Labels

The words "The SAM and Mia's Many Labels" against a pale but bright background of mossy rocks surrounded by fallen leaves

Ever get confused about what your orientation is because it seems to be two different ones, or had a hard time explaining to a friend that just because you think someone is hot doesn’t necessarily […]

The Stability of Being Aro/Ace

Tranquil stream with moss-covered rock banks on either side and a little mossy "island" in the middle, with large smooth rocks visible beneath the smooth surface of the water

The aspec community has a couple regular writing events, the Carnival of Aces and the Carnival of Aros, where a host blogger gets to pick a theme for the month, and other people who wish […]

How I Figured Out I’m Aromantic

Images of the rainbow, lesbian, bisexual, genderfluid, aromantic, asexual, nonbinary, trans, agender, intersex, demiromantic, and demisexual pride flags against a salmon-colored background

On Valentine’s Day, I was browsing Twitter, as one does, when someone reached out to ask what it was like being aromantic, and how I had figured out I was.  Because it was Valentine’s Day […]