Hi all! A few years ago I was a panelist at the Scribes and Scribblers Convention, on how to write asexual and aromantic characters. I decided to rework my slides into a written guide for […]
A resource for those who want to learn about asexuality, aromanticism, and autism. From the perspective of an aroace, enby, autistic 21-year-old.
Hi all! A few years ago I was a panelist at the Scribes and Scribblers Convention, on how to write asexual and aromantic characters. I decided to rework my slides into a written guide for […]
A conversation topic that I’ve seen come up a lot, both in the context of asexuality/aromanticism with their stacks of microlabels and autism where there’s the question of “should I tell this person they probably […]
I just read Kayla Kaszyca and Sarah Costello’s Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else over the weekend, and wanted to share my thoughts […]
This month’s Carnival of Aros has the theme “Being aromantic in an allonormative world,” which got me thinking about some facts I discovered about aromantic representation compared to asexual representation when I was doing my […]
This has come up frequently in the comments but I had yet to make a proper post about it for some reason, so I’m remedying that now: I have problems with the word “normal” in […]
Aannddd we’re back with the Carnival of Aces, this time with the round-up of submissions! (You can view the original call for submissions HERE). Thanks to everyone who submitted this month!(Also my apologies to everyone […]
This is a Carnival of Aces submission by the same author as the previous post/submission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was around 15 or so, a sophomore in high school, when I read Snow Flower and the Secret […]
Hey all! This is a Carnival of Aces submission I was asked to post for someone who doesn’t have their own blog and wanted to remain anonymous. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a children’s librarian. I am […]
Hi all! This month, I’m the host for February’s Carnival of Aces. From the Asexual Agenda: “A Carnival of Aces is a monthly blogging carnival centered on the asexual spectrum (asexuals, gray-As, demisexuals, etc.). Anyone […]
A lot of people see being asexual and/or aromantic as sad, or something to be pitied or fixed. In reality though, the kinds of things we question and discuss regarding social expectations actually benefit everyone, […]