Carnival of Aces February Round-Up

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Aannddd we’re back with the Carnival of Aces, this time with the round-up of submissions!  (You can view the original call for submissions HERE). Thanks to everyone who submitted this month!(Also my apologies to everyone […]

Call for Submissions: February Carnival of Aces

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Hi all! This month, I’m the host for February’s Carnival of Aces.  From the Asexual Agenda: “A Carnival of Aces is a monthly blogging carnival centered on the asexual spectrum (asexuals, gray-As, demisexuals, etc.).  Anyone […]

2021 Review & What’s Happening in my Corner

The giant head of a cheerful yellow sunflower, with a bee on it

[Insert cheesy New Year’s greeting of your choice.] I’m back, and after going on hiatus for a couple months to focus on my academic work and then spend winter break doing some thinking, I have […]

Quick Announcement about the Blog

Hey all, Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be publishing any more posts for a bit. I’m a junior in college, and also lead two student organizations and work part-time in addition […]

The State of the Blog

Greetings all,I’ve been shifting my writing platform focus a little lately, so it seemed like a good time for more of a personal update.  (Don’t worry, I’m not completely redoing the blog.) A Brief History […]

Will I Still Have Time to Write in College?

Ticking clock

If you’re getting close to starting a college career, you might be wondering: how much writing will you have time to do? On one hand, you probably will have time for other things besides homework […]

College Applicant Survival Tips (Part 2)

Large-lens, dark-framed glasses sitting on top of a light gray laptop against a white background

Hey friends, I’m back (after falling asleep in the middle of uploading this late last night anyway :P), and as promised, here is the second half of my list of college application tips.  If you […]

College Applicant Survival Tips (Part 1)

Large-lens, dark-framed glasses sitting on top of a light gray laptop against a white background

If you’re a highschooler and you’re reading this post, you might be thinking about college.  (If you have other plans, that’s cool too, but as the title indicates, this post is written with those who […]

3 Ways to Save Time (But Please Don’t)

clock image

We can all use more time in our lives, can’t we?  Between school, potentially work, writing, and who knows what other activities, life is busy.  Fortunately, there are ways you can find more time without […]

5 Benefits of Working as a Teen

Some of you probably have a job, while others of you don’t due to your age, health, or other factors.  Perhaps you’re able to get one now, or are just about to turn sixteen, but […]