CoA Guest Submission: We Need Aro and Ace Kids’ Books

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Hey all! This is a Carnival of Aces submission I was asked to post for someone who doesn’t have their own blog and wanted to remain anonymous. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a children’s librarian. I am […]

Call for Submissions: February Carnival of Aces

Four cards - the aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - laying on a black background like someone set their hand down to show them off.

Hi all! This month, I’m the host for February’s Carnival of Aces.  From the Asexual Agenda: “A Carnival of Aces is a monthly blogging carnival centered on the asexual spectrum (asexuals, gray-As, demisexuals, etc.).  Anyone […]

Why Everyone Can Benefit From the Aspec Perspective

Very blurry photo of a landscape and the sky, with a white person's hand holding up a lens that brings the landscape into focus in mirror image.

A lot of people see being asexual and/or aromantic as sad, or something to be pitied or fixed.  In reality though, the kinds of things we question and discuss regarding social expectations actually benefit everyone, […]

What Not to Say to Your Ace and/or Aro Friend

Purple, pink, and yellow tie-dye background with the word aroace laid out across the center in round colored pins.

I’ve addressed in past posts some of the stereotypes and problematic comments ace/aro people get – [Is Asexuality a Psychological Disorder for medicalization, Question Your Questioning for several of them ranging from medicalization again to […]

Question Your Questioning (of Other People)

Adult man in a long-sleeved blue shirt raising his hand, with another man and woman partially visible behind him, seated

Hello everyone!  Today’s topic is “How to Talk to Aspecs as an Allo Person” (or anyone who’s tempted to question them, since some skeptics may themselves be aspec in some way without knowing it).  (Allo […]

How do I Know I’m Really Ace (or Aro)?

Pink and brown thought bubbles with question marks against a brown background

I recently saw a question in an ace group I’m part of, which gets asked kind of frequently: how old do you have to be before you can definitely be sure you’re ace?  What if […]

The SAM and Mia’s Many Labels

The words "The SAM and Mia's Many Labels" against a pale but bright background of mossy rocks surrounded by fallen leaves

Ever get confused about what your orientation is because it seems to be two different ones, or had a hard time explaining to a friend that just because you think someone is hot doesn’t necessarily […]

The Stability of Being Aro/Ace

Tranquil stream with moss-covered rock banks on either side and a little mossy "island" in the middle, with large smooth rocks visible beneath the smooth surface of the water

The aspec community has a couple regular writing events, the Carnival of Aces and the Carnival of Aros, where a host blogger gets to pick a theme for the month, and other people who wish […]

Is Asexuality a Psychological Disorder?

A man sitting in a reclining wooden chair, facing a woman in a similar chair, at a therapy session. The man is making an animated hand gesture, and the woman is taking notes.

Ask the ace community for bad medical experiences, and you’ll get a lot of stories about patients being prescribed anti-depressants, sent to therapy, or other such results because the doctors thought something was wrong with […]